John Keawe
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Hawaiian music master
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm |
Purchase advance tickets:
The title of his award-winning 1993 release, Ho'onanea ("To pass
the time in peace and pleasure; to relax, absorbed and contented"),
pretty well sums up John Keawe's old-style slack key guitar performances.
Songwriter and master of the fingerpicking style developed in the 19th
century by Hawai'ian cowboys who loosened, or "slacked" their guitar
strings to produce a characteristic lingering sound and resonance, John
takes this soft, sweet sound and lends it his own playful personal
Born and raised on the big island of Hawai'i, in the town of
North Kohala, John taught himself to play by watching the local masters;
over the course of eight recordings, including 2003's
Keaweualani, John developed a distinctive style that has won him
widespread recognition for his artistry, including the 1994 Hawai'ian Hoku
Award for Best Instrumental Performance and the 1998 and 2003 Hawai'i
Music Awards for Best Slack-Key Artist.
Visit the artist's website
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