Roy Book Binder
Sunday, July 17, 2005
country blues & ragtime guitar & vocals
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm |
Purchase advance tickets:
For the past 30-odd years, Roy Book Binder has traveled the world, as a
"keeper of the flame" and ambassador of the blues. One of the finest
guitar finger pickers active today, Roy has an eclectic repertoire that
includes blues, country tunes, bluegrass, and folk.
On his long musical
journey through the last half of the 20th century (much of it spent in a
motorhome), Roy toured and studied with blues great Reverend Gary
Davis, performed with bluesmen like Homesick James and Pink Anderson,
played old-time hillbilly blues as a regular on the Nashville Network, and
appeared as a featured storyteller at the National Storytelling Festival in
Jonesborough, Tennessee. His brand-new album, Live at the Fur Peace
Station, captures the spirit of Roy's performances, full of stories,
laughs, and plenty of great pickin'.
Visit the artist's website
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