Freight and Salvage: Freight 17th Annual Fiddle Summit
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Freight 17th Annual Fiddle Summit
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Alasdair Fraser w/ Natalie Haas, Andre Brunet w/ Eric Beaudry, J. P. Cormier w/ Hilda Chaisson
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm | Purchase advance tickets: $24.50

Ah, August in the Bay Area: foggy mornings, languid afternoons, and . . . the Freight Fiddle Summit! Once again, we're proud to host the annual kickoff for Alasdair Fraser's Valley of the Moon Scottish Fiddling Camp, a rousing evening of fiddle magic from some of Celtic music's most celebrated players.

Fiddle Summit host, ALASDAIR FRASER, is justly renowned for his warmth and wit as well as his music. One of Scotland's most valued tradition-bearers, his richly expressive playing transports listeners across a broad spectrum ranging from haunting laments drawn from the Gaelic tradition to classically styled airs and raucous dance tunes, all delivered with sincerity, flawless virtuosity and the sweetest of sounds. Tonight Alasdair performs with brilliant young cellist NATALIE HAAS, showcasing driving, dancing rhythms from their recent duo album (and winner of the 2004 Scots Trad Music Awards Album of the Year), Fire and Grace.

ANDRE BRUNET, a wonderful young fiddle player from the acclaimed French-Canadian band La Bottine Souriante, wowed Freightgoers last May as a member of the Celtic Fiddle Festival. The youngest fiddler to have won the Junior National Championship in Quebec (at age 12), Andre performs Quebec's unique blend of folk music originating from France, England, Ireland, and Scotland, imbued with the unique colors and rhythms of the region. A warm, dynamic performer as well as an excellent musician, Andre has a vast repertoire of French-Canadian jigs and reels. Andre will be accompanied by his La Bottine Souriante colleague, guitarist Eric Beaudry.

J. P. CORMIER is a native Cape Breton multi-instrumentalist and singer, who has toured world-wide for the past 23 years. His numerous CDs, including performances on fiddle, guitar and mandolin, have won him the East Coast Music Association's 2003 Instrumentalist of the Year Award, and 2005 Bluegrass and Instrumental Recording of the Year Awards. Since he began playing stringed instruments at the age of 5, J.P. has been deeply immersed in the rich musical heritage of Cape Breton. A dance-oriented style, Cape Breton fiddle is noted for its driving rhythmic energy. J. P. will be accompanied by his wife, pianist Hilda Chaisson.

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