Patrick Landeza
Friday, August 5, 2005
Hawaiian slack key guitar & vocals
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm |
Purchase advance tickets:
Guitar master Patrick Kahakauwila Kamaholelani Landeza carries on the
unique fingerpicking style developed in the 19th century by Hawaiian
cowboys who loosened their guitar strings (or "slacked" them) for a
lower, more resonant sound. Born to Hawaiian parents on what he calls
"the island of Berkeley, California,"
Patrick cultivated his craft by
studying slack key from masters like Ray Kane, George Kuo, and the late
Sonny Chillingworth, who have left their mark on his traditional-style
playing. Patrick's performances showcase lilting songs with
nahenahe (sweet-sounding) vocals as well as slack key classics
and originals and plenty of warm aloha spirit.
Visit the artist's website
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