Great Night of Rumi
Saturday, August 6, 2005
a celebration of the work of Jeluddin Rumi, 16th Century Persian poet
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm |
Purchase advance tickets:
Returning to the Freight tonight, this special program celebrates the 13th
Century Persian poet Jelaluddin Rumi through spoken word, music, and
dance. Born in 1207 in the city of Balkh in what is now Afghanistan, Rumi
was a brilliant spiritual master and founder of an order of Sufi mystics, as
well as being one of the world's greatest poets, composing over 70
thousand verses in his lifetime on themes of divine love, mystical passion,
and ecstatic illumination.
Although he has had a profound
historical influence on aesthetic expression in the world of Islam, Rumi
only became widely known in the West over the past decade, as people
discovered the great resonance of his poetry, with its expressions of the
universal longing for beauty, connection, and joy. Tonight, join Dan and
Dale Zola as they lead a multi-faceted exploration of this great mystic,
bringing alive the passion, drama, and humor of his poetry through
imaginative performance that weaves together spoken word and beautiful
live music.
Visit the artist's website
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