Ledward Kaapana & Mike Kaawa
Thursday, August 7, 2008
slack key guitar & ukulele masters
Door 7:30
P.M., Music 8:00
Purchase advance tickets:
One of Hawaii's most beloved traditional artists, Led Kaapana is a true master of slack key guitar (so named for the alternate tuning, or slacking, of the strings). He's also accomplished on ukulele, autoharp, bass, and steel guitar, as well as being an extraordinary baritone and falsetto singer. Perhaps most importantly, the man known affectionately as lima wela ("hot hand") blends his effortless virtuosity with an infectious joy in performing, a generous spirit, and a rascally sense of humor. One of Hawaii's foremost musical ambassadors, Led is known for his solo work, outings with his legendary trio, Hui 'Ohana, and collaborations with artists such as Ricky Skaggs and Alison Krauss. One of the featured artists on the 2006 Grammy Award-winning Masters Of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar, Vol. 1, Led was also nominated for a 2007 Grammy for his most recent CD, Grandmaster Slack Key Guitar (Rhythm & Roots).
Mike Kaawa has illuminated some of Hawaii's most popular stages and captivated audiences with his enchanting stage presence, strong instrumentation, and distinctive vocals. Mike's music career has spanned nearly four decades, much of it with prominent musical groups like Na Keonimana and Hokulea. One of Mike's pieces was featured on the 2007 Grammy nominee Hawaiian Slack Key Kings.
Led and Mike always range far and wide in their musical selections, but tonight they'll surely be featuring tunes from their new CD, the aptly titled Force of Nature.
Visit Led's website
Visit Mike's website