San Francisco Chamber Orchestra presents CLASSICAL AT THE FREIGHT
Five Chairs Woodwind Quintet
Monday, March 12, 2007
An informal and invigorating evening of chamber music, with Ben Simon, host
Door 7:30
P.M., Music 8:00
Purchase advance tickets:
Classical at the Freight brings the Bay Area’s best classical musicians to our stage for an hour of top-flight chamber music in an informal, friendly atmosphere. San Francisco Chamber Orchestra music director Benjamin Simon is your host; his goal is to un-stuffify and de-mystify classical music for the general music lover, sharing the joys and rewards of this timeless art with new audiences young and old.
By day, the top professionals of the Five Chairs Woodwind Quintet—Leslie Chin (flute), Robin May (oboe), Larry London (clarinet), Karla Wilson (bassoon), and Nicky Roosevelt (French horn)—can often be heard performing educational programs for schoolchildren around the Bay Area. By night, they join the woodwind sections of a wide variety of local orchestras. This evening, they offer a lively and diverse program of music by Bay Area composers, featuring nuggets from their recent Stanford University concert.
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