Golden Bough
Friday, July 21, 2006
Celtic-American innovators
Door 7:30 P.M., Music 8:00 P.M. |
Purchase advance tickets:
Refreshed after a well-deserved rest, Golden Bough returns to delight us once more with their haunting ballads, beautiful airs, and lively songs gathered from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, and Galicia.
Longtime Freight favorites, the trio offers lovely, polished music, ranging from intriguing arrangements of ancient tunes to sprightly original compositions. Paul Espinoza, Margie Butler, and Kathy Sierra, their pristine harmonies backed by Celtic harp, pennywhistle, violin, guitar, accordion, mandolin, and bodhran, offer an evening of Golden Bough classics new and old, spotlighting original pieces from their new CD, Sun & Shadow.
Visit Golden Bough's website
