Harry Manx
Monday, November 21, 2005
original folk-world-blues guitarist
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm |
Purchase advance tickets:
One of the most original folk-blues-world music performers around, Isle of
Man native, Harry Manx, forges a seamless link between the music of East
and West by wedding the essence of the blues with the depth of
polytonal Indian ragas.
Performing on lap slide guitar, blues harp,
banjo, and the guitar and sitar hybrid, mohan veena, Harry has gained a
rapidly growing following since his debut album Dog My Cat
(NorthernBlues) inspired raised eyebrows and widespread critical applause
in 2001. Tonight he'll be showcasing tunes from his brand new album,
Mantras for Madmen.
Harry's intimate, magical live
shows quickly envelop his audiences in what has been dubbed "the Harry
Zone," where the musician mesmerizes all with his warm, weathered
vocals and hauntingly beautiful melodies, his wry humor and great stories.
Don't miss him!
Visit the artist's website
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