Marcus O'Realius & the Transplantdentalists
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
gifted songwriter and a charismatic performer
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm |
Purchase advance tickets:
If you love the good fight, if you love the earth -- and if you find your
tongue occasionally stuck in your cheek -- then hold on and enjoy the ride
as Berkeley singer-songwriter Marcus O'Realius treats the Freight to a
night of incisive original music, joined by seasoned percussionist Joyce
Steinlauf. Both recipients of organ transplants, Marcus and Joyce
understand deeply the importance of staying involved with what you love
the most, in this case music: tonight they share with us Marcus' wry
pastiches of contemporary culture (featuring songs from his latest album,
Just Another Day), joined by bass ace Cindy Browne and John
Groves on keyboards.
Over the past three decades, Marcus has
produced a distinctive body of work which identifies him as one of
society's more irreverent watchdogs, including hundreds of songs,
instrumentals, several albums, a full-length musical, and a Berkeley Film
Festival Award-winning music video entitled The Car Song.
Combining a satirical perspective with poignant sketches of a world gone
amok, Marcus and his group present a memorable combination of music
that rocks the soul and fresh, playful lyrics that tickle the funnybone and
provoke reflection.
Visit the artist's website
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