In Harmony's Way
Friday, July 8, 2005
all-star a cappella album release show featuring Oak, Ash & Thorn, Dick
Holdstock & Alan MacLeod, Shay Black, Sylvia Herold, Steve Baughman,
Peter Kasin, and Lani Herrmann,
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm |
Purchase advance tickets:
Limber up those vocal chords, it's time for a sing-along to end all sing-
alongs! Tonight's a capella folk song extravaganza, with an amazing
lineup of Bay Area folk music stalwarts, celebrates the release of a new
CD, In Harmony's Way. Ranging from English drinking songs to sea
chanteys to American traditional numbers to songs from France and
Africa and back again, the performance features an astoundingly large
ensemble of great singers (both on and offstage) that promises to make
the Freight's rafters ring with rich folk harmonies and hearty choruses.
A staggering assemblage of both talent and lung power, the
show includes Freight perennials, traditional a capella trio Oak, Ash &
Thorn; Shay Black, Irish singer extraordinaire and member of the Nauticus
sea music ensemble; fellow Nauticus member Riggy Rackin; Hyde Street
Pier sea chantey king Peter Kasin; folk music veteran and rounds-singer
extraordinaire Lani Herrmann; longtime duo Allan MacLeod and Dick
Holdstock, who specialize in traditional music of the sea and 19th century
ballads; fabulous singer Sylvia Herold, also well-known to Freightgoers for
her work with Cats & Jammers and Wake the Dead; traditional Celtic and
Appalachian musician Steve Baughman; Celtic vocalist Pam Swan; another
Hyde Street Pier singer, Richard Adrianowicz; plus Arlene Immerman, Kim
Hughes, Ed Silberman, and Susan Frank.
Visit the artist's website
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