David Lindley
Friday, July 1, 2005
pioneering string instrumentalist . . . American traditions meets
world music styles
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm | SOLD-OUT
Redefining the word eclectic, acclaimed multi-instrumentalist David
Lindley combines American folk, blues, and bluegrass traditions with
elements from African, Arabic, Asian, Celtic, Malagasy, and Turkish music,
all with an expansive, playful approach that is as irresistible as it is
"Mr. Dave's" unique performances feature a wild array of
stringed instruments including (but definitely not limited to) Hawaiian lap
steel guitar, Turkish saz, Middle Eastern oud, and Irish bouzouki, not to
mention his uncanny vocal mimicry and demented sense of humor. A
southern California native, David has been smashing musical barriers
throughout his four-decade career, from the psychedelic Middle Eastern
experiments of his world music rock band Kaleidoscope to the reggae
grooves of El Rayo-X (along the way, he's also been a deft sideman to
everyone from Jackson Browne to Dolly Parton).
David is also known for
his work with percussionist Wally Ingram, with whom he recorded his most
recent album, the outrageous Live! Adventuresome, incendiary,
totally unique . . . and we haven't even begun to attempt to describe his
outfits yet!
Visit the artist's website
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