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Community Open House
Saturday, November 21, 2009
an afternoon of workshops and performances
Noon - 4:00 P.M. | Free

Join us for our second Community Open House! Music fills the Freight from ceiling to roof as we throw open our doors from noon to 4:00 P.M.. Dancing in the aisles, singing on the stairs, and fiddling in the lobby are sure to ensue as we invite the East Bay music-making community (including you!) to meet for an afternoon's extravaganza of song circles, sampler workshops, student and teacher showcase performances, bluegrass acoustic blues jams, Irish traditional sessions, shape note sings, and much more.

Freight & Salvage School of Music Student and Teacher Showcases:
1:00 - Hello my name is... (Roots Rock Kids band), Jimmy Bruno songwriting class, the DulciMates
2:00 - Patrick Landeza slack key guitar students, Hiram Bell ukulele students, Hiram Bell performance
3:00 - Acme Bluegrass Band (Slow Jam band), Oyster Stew, Old Tunnel Road (Take The Stage bands)

Free workshops & jam sessions:
12:00 - 12:30
Bluegrass Slow Jam - led by Dave Zimmerman
Acoustic Blues Intro workshop - Pete Madsen
Song Circle w/ instruments - led by Doug Norman
Harmonica Convergence workshop - Paul Herzoff
Jug Band workshop/jam - led by California Jug Band Association

12:30 - 1:00
Bluegrass Slow Jam - led by Dave Zimmerman
Acoustic Blues Jam - led by Pete Madsen
Song Circle w/ instruments - led by Doug Norman
Harmonica Convergence workshop - Paul Herzoff
Jug Band workshop/jam - led by California Jug Band Association

1:00 - 1:30
Bluegrass Faster Jam - led by Dave Zimmerman
Acoustic Blues Jam - led by Pete Madsen
Song Circle w/ instruments - led by Doug Norman
Irish Slow Session Tunes By Ear - Ann McChesney-Young
Jug Band workshop/jam - led by California Jug Band Association

1:30 - 2:00
Bluegrass Faster Jam - led by Dave Zimmerman
Acoustic Blues Jam - led by Pete Madsen
Song Circle w/ instruments - led by Doug Norman
Irish Slow Session Tunes By Ear - Ann McChesney-Young
Jug Band workshop/jam - led by California Jug Band Association

2:00 - 2:30
Irish Slow Session - led by Ann McChesney-Young
Mountain Dulcimer Intro Workshop - DJ Hamouris
Bay Area Sacred Harp Sing
In Harmony's Way A Cappella Sing - led by Marlene McCall
Cajun Slow Jam - led by Blair Kilpatrick & Steve Tabak

2:30 - 3:00
Irish Slow Session - led by Ann McChesney-Young
East Bay Mountain Dulcimer Club - led by DJ Hamouris
Bay Area Sacred Harp Sing
In Harmony's Way A Cappella Sing - led by Marlene McCall
Cajun Slow Jam - led by Blair Kilpatrick & Steve Tabak

3:00 - 3:30
Irish Faster Session - led by Shay Black
East Bay Mountain Dulcimer Club - led by DJ Hamouris
Bay Area Sacred Harp Sing
In Harmony's Way A Cappella Sing - led by Marlene McCall
Cajun Faster Jam - led by Blair Kilpatrick & Steve Tabak

3:30 - 4:00
Irish Faster Session - led by Shay Black
East Bay Mountain Dulcimer Club - led by DJ Hamouris
Bay Area Sacred Harp Sing
In Harmony's Way A Cappella Sing - led by Marlene McCall
Cajun Faster Jam - led by Blair Kilpatrick & Steve Tabak

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