Brian Finnegan & William Coulter
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
brilliant flute & whistle player and grammy-winning celtic guitarist
Door 7:00
P.M., Music 8:00
Purchase advance tickets:
Brian Finnegan, the flute and whistle powerhouse behind the renowned English-Irish band Flook, and wide-ranging guitarist William Coulter offer an evening of superlative music!
Hailing from County Armagh, Northern Ireland, Brian's roots are planted firmly in Irish traditional music while he draws influences from all over the map, combining his technical virtuosity with a bold, adventurous musical imagination. A six-time winner of the prestigious All Ireland Fleadh Cheoill for flute and whistle, the newspaper Scotland on Sunday extols the "breathtaking suppleness and dexterity" of Brian's playing.
William musical travels have taken him from collaborations with folks like the classical guitar virtuoso Benjamin Verdery and Irish singers Eilis Kennedy and Mary McLaughlin to solo outings like his recent album, The Road Home. In 2005, William was awarded a Grammy for his contribution to Pink Guitar, a collection of solo guitar arrangements of the music of Henry Mancini.
Visit Brian & William's website