House Jacks
Friday, December 5, 2008
the rock band without instruments
Door 7:30
P.M., Music 8:00
Purchase advance tickets:
A five-man rock band without instruments, the House Jacks offer a "no-holds barred" a cappella style that obliterates all preconceptions about the limits of the human voice. Deke Sharon, Jake Moulton, Austin Willacy, Roo Ahuja, and Antonio Medrano run the gamut from tender love ballads to mile-a-minute funk, complete with mind-blowing vocal percussion and riffs torn straight out of a whammy-bar guitar.
Taking their name from the "Heavy Equipment" section of the Yellow Pages—a "house jack" is what you use to move a residence—the jax got to know each other on the collegiate a cappella circuit of the late 1980s. Since those days, the quintet has completed several world tours, gained thousands of devoted fans, won numerous awards, and recorded six albums including their latest, the live CD Get Down Mr. President.
Visit the House Jacks' website