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Freight Open Mic
Monday, November 6, 2006
special Monday night session
Door 7:30 P.M., Music 8:00 P.M. | Admission: $4.50 in adv/$5.50 at door

All performers are welcome to participate in this event that has produced some of our brightest performers, including: Shawn Colvin, Dana Carvey, Alvin Youngblood Hart, and Patrick Landeza.

John Danley, tonight's featured performer, is an experimental, fingerstyle guitarist who composes and performs his own blend of acoustic, instrumental music. John has developed a style of guitar playing by using a housepainter's paintbrush to add percussive sounds to the instrument while simultaneously creating colorful harmonies and distinctive melodic hooks.

HERE'S HOW IT WORKS! One unique aspect of our Open Mic is that, unlike those held in noisy bars where people show up in spite of the fact that there's live music, you will be playing to a supportive group of friends and performers who are actually listening!!!

Signups -- on a first-come-first-served basis -- begin when the door opens at 7:30. The show starts promptly at 8:00.

Admission is $5.50, even if you are performing. EXCEPTION: Any performer showing up with a paying, non-performing member of the audience plays for free!!! Note: you must show up together to take advantage of this offer.

Solo performers get to play one song, groups get to play two songs. Management reserves the right to occasionally award a performer with an extra song, for any reason management deems appropriate.

Please be ready to perform when your turn comes up.

Please limit your introduction to thirty seconds.

We occasionally have special shows and friendly competitions that are open to REGULAR attendees of our Open Mic.

BONUS: Anyone, performers and audience alike, staying until the end of the night is entitled to a FREE TICKET to an upcoming Freight show of their choice. Shows that are sold out or close to being sold out are excluded from this offer.

© 2006 Berkeley Society for the Preservation of Traditional Music | website constructed by stevenrueadams.com