Lou & Peter Berryman
Saturday, January 28, 2006
folk music's funniest folks
Door 7:30 P.M., Music 8:00 P.M. |
Purchase advance tickets:
With Lou squeezing accordion and Peter on guitar, this Madison, Wisconsin-based duo brings down the house with a unique tour de farce, blending midwestern culture with street-smart savvy to demonstrate why they are possibly the funniest songwriters extant.
Lou and Peter have spent 30 years of writing and singing together, and they've got 12 albums and a long line of classic knee-slappers to their credit, from "Double Yodel" and "Cow Imagination" down through the irresistible gems on their most recent album, Some Days, like "The Vulture" (a "Halloweeny klezmer-like bird waltz") and the stirring Martha Stewart-inspired alphabet song, "Accordion to Zither".
Join Lou and Peter for the cheesiest funfest this side of the Dairy State!
Visit the artist's website

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