John McCutcheon
Sunday, June 26, 2005
folk music's rustic renaissance man
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm |
Purchase advance tickets:
Brilliant lyricist and storyteller, virtuoso singer, fiddler, and guitarist, and
undisputed master of the hammered dulcimer, John McCutcheon runs the
gamut from kid's tunes to protest songs to updates of his Appalachian
and Midwestern roots mixed with stunning originals.
In the
1960s, John traded the university classroom for the front porches, union
halls, and churches of the Appalachians. Under the tutelage of the greats
of traditional Southern music, he mastered seven different instruments,
became an insightful and powerful singer of traditional songs, and honed
an ear for a good story.
Drawing upon his unique vision of
America where traditional music, songwriting, and social activism all meet,
John's most recent album, The Greatest Story Never Told (Red
House), is a collection of originals dealing with contemporary themes and
issues, and he's also got a brand-new limited-release CD, Stand
Up! featuring some of his crowd-pleasin' topical favorites like "Duct
Tape" and "Hey Little Ant."
Visit the artist's website
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