South Austin Jug Band
Thursday, April 14, 2005
south Texas's renowned roadhouse bluegrass trailblazers
Door 7:30pm, Music 8:00pm |
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They may not actually have a jug, but the South Austin Jug Band sure doesn�t let that stop them from having a good time! Embodying the populist jug band spirit by making music for the sheer joy of it, this witty quintet mixes sprightly original songs and choice covers by the likes of Jimi Hendrix and Walter Hyatt with traditional bluegrass and string band numbers to create a difficult-to-pigeonhole sound they call �swinging Lone Star beatnik country.�
Launched onto the road several years ago by their local popularity, the Austin-based group won the new band contest at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival in the summer of 2002 and released an eponymously named album the following year to an ever-growing horde of fans.
SAJB features vocalist and guitarist James Hyland, bassist Will Dupuy, Dennis Ludiker on mandolin, Willie Pipkin on guitar, and Texas State Junior Fiddle contest winner Bryan Beken.
Visit the artist's website