Hungary's leading folk revival band, the Ökrös Folk Ensemble has a marvelous ability to present the soul of the authentic and unique Hungarian folk music. Balogh Kálmán is an internationally celebrated cimbalom (hammer dulcimer) artist who, in the Gypsy tradition, is as accomplished in the classical repertoire as he is in the folk idiom. A graduate of Budapest's Liszt Ferenec Academy, he has helped establish the Hungarian cimbalom as a contemporary instrument. ági Szalöki is a young folk singer sensation and upcoming star on the Budapest folk revival scene. Her beautiful voice and authentic presentation of Central European folk singing tradition is singular. She is an avid researcher of folk songs and often found in villages learning from the last surviving informants. Violinist Csaba Ökrös, and their virtuoso revivalist colleagues, Miklös Molnár, Lászlö Mester and Géza Pénzes, nourish centuries old traditions with renditions of Hungarian and Transylvanian music with full accompaniment of the rarely heard cimbalom and female voice. Join us tonight as they transport us to a vibrant and intense musical world. |