Investigative satirist, Paul Krassner has had his fair share of supporters and detractors. Radio personality, Don Imus, labels him "one of the comic geniuses of the 20th century." And, according to the Los Angeles Reader, "Krassner delivers 90 minutes of the funniest, most intelligent social and political commentary in town." On the other hand, two Federal Bureau of Investigation agents who went to one of his shows stated in their report that "he purported to be humorous about government policies." Researchers examining his FBI files discovered this critique: "To classify Krassner as a social rebel is far too cute. He's a nut, a raving, unconfined nut." "The FBI was right," says comedian George Carlin. "This man is dangerous -- and funny; and necessary." Paul who founded, edited, and published of The Realist magazine, is a frequent guest on television's Late Night and Politically Incorrect, and regularly writes articles for magazines such as Rolling Stone, Spin, Playboy, Penthouse, New York, National Lampoon, the Village Voice, Utne Reader, Mother Jones, the Nation and High Times. His book credits include Confessions of a Raving, Unconfined Nut: Misadventures in the Counter-Culture, (Simon & Schuster, 1993), The Winner of the Slow Bicycle Race: The Satirical Writings of Paul Krassner, (1995, Seven Stories Press.), Impolite Interviews (Seven Stories1999), and Pot Stories for the Soul (High Times Books, 2000). His recorded comedian albums, now available in CD format, include, We Have Ways of Making You Laugh (Mercury), Brain Damage Control, (Mercury), and Sex, Drugs and the Antichrist: Paul Krassner at MIT (Artemis). |